1. How to install the python libraries on cmd prompt (python 2.7)

a. Get the get-pip.py from internet ( https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py )

b. Install the pip
                  cd C:\Python27--> python.exe install get-pip.py  (or)
                  cd C:\ Python27--> python.exe install c:\users\abc\Documents\get-pip.py

c. Install the libraries from internet via pip
                  C--> Python27--> Scripts --> pip install [ _libraryname_ ]

2. How to run the python script from cmd prompt (Python 2.7)


cd C:\python27\ --> python.exe  c:\users\abc\Documents\helloworld.py

2. How to run the python script from cmd prompt (Python 3.3)

 cd C:\users\abc\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\ --> python.exe  c:\users\abc\Documents\helloworld.py

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